Quiz 6

God, How Do You See Me?

Sep 11 - 17, 22
2 5 6 7 8
Points 100
Due September 13, 2022


Set aside time to sit with God and do two-way journaling in faith with this question – “God, how do you see me?” Share the response you hear from God without filtering it.

Lord, how do You see me?

I love you with an everlasting love and will draw you closer to me, my son (Jer 31:3). Though you are in a wilderness of reclusiveness at this time, I have not forgotten you and will be by your side (Isa 44:21; Ps 23). Train your heart to hear my voice amid your tumultuous surroundings and the turbulence of your soul (John 10:27). There is nowhere you will go that I’m not there; there is no place you hide that I cannot see you (Ps 139:7-11). I am where you are, and you are where I want you to be. My plans for you are not for evil but for you to learn to hear my voice and recognize my will (Jer 29:11). Know that my Son has finished all the requirements of the law for you; you can rest in His love for you (Rom 8:3). He loves dearly, and in His love, you will find rest for your soul (1John 4:19; Mat 11:29). Do not fear, My love for you is everlasting (John 13:1).

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Quiz 5 • Repentance
Quiz 6
God, How Do You See Me?