Quiz 5


Sep 11 - 17, 22
2 5 6 7 8
Autumn Birch Trees
Points 100
Due September 13, 2022


Do the Spiritual Action Steps in Soul Care for Principle #2 Repentance. Why is it important to allow God to search your heart? How does this differ from introspection? Define soul alignment in your own words. Is repentance necessary for “soul alignment?” Why or why not?


God knows our hearts, but humans are notorious for being deceived by their hearts (Jer 17:9). We are easily fooled by external forces that manipulate our senses and deceive us when we are exposed to “good words and fair speeches” (Rom 16:18). When God searches the heart, He reveals the wickedness hiding within. “Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: and see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting” (Psalm 139:23-24). The psalmist in the preceding verses was indignant about those he called “wicked”; however, he understands that his heart is also prone to be wicked unless God reveals his heart.

Introspection is the act of self-examination, which could lead to despair because we are powerless to correct our sinful condition (Mat 26:41; Rom 8:3; Ps 73:26). Introspection is limited by our ability to recognize and synthesize our heart’s wayward condition. Because my heart is shaped in iniquity (Ps 51:5), I’ll be a fool to trust it (Ps 28:26). It is full of evil thoughts (Mt 15:19) and leads me to greater despair if I try to deal with it on my own (Ecc 2:20). Not only will God reveal the heart’s actual condition, Christ’s blood cleanses our sins when we confess (1Jn 1:9). When God searches the heart, the Holy Spirit finishes the work by “bringing you release from the shame” (p. 94).

Soul alignment is orienting your heart toward God, subjecting it to biblical teachings, and being led by the Holy Spirit. The heart leads the person either toward or away from God, as in Hebrews 3:13, “Take heed, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief, in departing from the living God.”

“Repentance is like a soul alignment” (p. 76), the author writes about a healthy soul. Repentance is a necessary physical activity that affects the spiritual realm while keeping pride at bay. God shows us the condition of our sinful heart, “bringing it into the light” (p. 77) so that in repentance, the Lord sets us free from the bondage within. Because our wills are not God’s will (Isa 55:8), we need to realign our souls with God’s will. The realignment process begins with recognizing our propensity for sin (Rom 7:5); therefore, repentance is surrendering to God and coming under the grace and power of the Holy Spirit to lead us back toward God.

Quiz 5