
Quizes & Tests


Section 1

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VII. Grading

Attendance Requirements (classroom, or online group sessions):

As this is an online class the attendance requirements are to fulfill all of the assignments on or before the due date and to attend one of the two weekly Zoom sessions. If it is not possible to attend either Zoom session then the student must watch the video and submit notes to the instructor prior to the following Sunday night, midnight Central Time. Zoom notes submitted after this time will not be accepted.


Grading for the quizzes will be based on the following rubric utilizing a 100 point scale as follows:

Communication and Use of Course Materials

Out of 40 points (40%)

Percent Grade Expectations
100% - 95% A+ or A An excellent answer to the question. Demonstrates a comprehensive understanding of the class material.
94% - 90% A- A good answer to the question. Demonstrates an understanding of the class material.
89% - 83% B+ or B The student shows an adequate comprehension of the material.
82% - 80% B- Fair evidence of understanding.
79% - 70% C+/C/C- Weak evidence of understanding.
69% - 0% D or D-/F Little or no evidence of student’s use of course materials or understanding of the topic.

Biblical Support

Out of 40 Points (40%)

Percent Grade Expectations
100% - 94% A+ or A The student’s post is strongly supported by Scripture and it is cited accurately.
93% - 90% A- Biblical support was used and cited correctly.
89% - 83% B+ or B Biblical support is moderate and cited.
82% - 80% B- Biblical support is minimally used and cited.
79% - 70% C+/C/C- Little to no Biblical support added.
69% - 0% D/D-/F No Biblical support used.

Communication, Grammar and Spelling

Out of 20 Points (20%)

Percent Grade Expectations
100% - 94% A+ or A Answers are very clear and well organized. No grammatical mistakes. The word count is within the limit.
93% - 90% A- Answers are clear and organized. Minor grammatical mistakes. The word count is within the limit.
89% - 83% B+ or B Answers are sufficiently clear and organized. Some grammatical errors. The student has exceeded the word limit.
82% - 80% B- Answers are sufficiently clear. Grammar and structure are weak. The student has exceeded the word limit.
79% - 70% C+/C/C- Answers are vague and include several grammatical mistakes and/or misspelled words.
69% - 0% D/D-/F Minimal information. Many grammatical mistakes and/or misspellings.

The quizzes will account for 70% of a student’s total grade.


Grading for discussion questions will be based on the following rubric utilizing a 100 point scale as follows:

35% Communication and Use of Course Materials

Out of 35 points

Percent Grade Expectations
100% - 95% A+ or A An excellent answer to the question. Demonstrates a comprehensive understanding of the class material.
94% - 90% A- A good answer to the question. Demonstrates an understanding of the class material.
89% - 83% B+ or B The student shows an adequate comprehension of the material.
82% - 80% B- Fair evidence of understanding.
79% - 70% C+/C/C- Weak evidence of understanding.
69%-0% D or D-/F Little or no evidence of student’s use of course materials or understanding of the topic.

35% Biblical Support

Out of 35 Points

Percent Grade Expectations
100% - 94% A+ or A The student’s post is strongly supported by Scripture and it is cited accurately.
93% - 90% A- Biblical support was used and cited correctly.
89% - 83% B+ or B Biblical support is moderate and cited.
82% - 80% B- Biblical support is minimally used and cited.
79% - 70% C+/C/C- Little to no Biblical support added.
69%-0% D/D-/F No Biblical support used.

20% Response to a Classmate

Out of 15 Points

Percent Grade Expectations
100% - 94% A+ or A The response was clear, organized, and provides Spirit-filled encouragement.
93% - 90% A- The response was clear, organized, and provides appropriate encouragement.
89% - 83% B+ or B The response was thoughtful but could have had been more clear and encouraging.
82% - 80% B- The response was minimal and did not offer encouragement.
79% - 70% C+/C/C- The response was only a few words.
69%-0% D/D-/ /F No response.

10% Communication, Grammar and Spelling

Out of 15 Points

Percent Grade Expectations
100% - 94% A+ or A Answers are very clear and well organized. No grammatical mistakes. The word count is within the limit.
93% - 90% A- Answers are clear and organized. Minor grammatical mistakes. The word count is within the limit.
89% - 83% B+ or B Answers are sufficiently clear and organized. Some grammatical errors. The student has exceeded the word limit.
82% - 80% B- Answers are sufficiently clear. Grammar and structure are weak. The student has exceeded the word limit.
79% - 70% C+/C/C- Answers are vague and include several grammatical mistakes and/or misspelled words.
69%-0% D/D-/F Minimal information. Many grammatical mistakes and/or misspellings.

The discussion posts will account for 20% of a student’s total grade.

Penalty for Late Work:

I will deduct 10% for each day an assignment is late. This includes posting and responding to comments on time. If there are extenuating circumstances which result in you needing more time (which I reserve the right to approve or deny), I need to be notified ahead of time. The grade determined by the rubric will be adjusted to reflect this.

Final Due Date for Course Work:

Saturday October 22, Midnight Pacific Time

The following is Kairos University’s standard grading & grade point scale:

Grade Points GPA
A 95-100 4.0
A- 90-94 3.7
B+ 87-89 3.3
B 83-86 3.0
B- 80-82 2.7
C+ 77-79 2.3
C 73-76 2.0
C- 70-72 1.7
D+ 67-69 1.3
D 63-66 1.0
D- 60-62 0.7
F Fail 0
I Incomplete 0
CR Credit  
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Quizes & Tests

Section 1
