Quiz 27

Walking in the Spirit


Section 9

Oct 23 - 29, 22
8 27 28 29
Street of Gold
Points 100
Due October 26, 2022


In chapter 11 of Experiencing the Father’s Embrace, “Walking in the Spirit,” there are three suggestions given to position your heart to walk in God’s rest. Name an area in your life where you are feeling stuck, weary, or defeated. Using some things that the Bible says regarding that, let your heart agree with that truth in this way,

Father, I thank you that __ is true in my life. You made me to be __. Because of what Jesus’ death/resurrection accomplished I have __., etc.

Write out your prayer of affirmation. (Wednesday)

Prayer of Affirmation

Father, I thank You for the grace I have received (John 1:16). You are present in all my circumstances, whether joyous or in the valley of despair (Phil 4:6; 1Thess 5:18). You have been my help and my deliverer (Ps 40:17; 70:5). Your Holy Spirit confirms with mine that I am Your beloved (Rom 8:16; Song 6:1). The cross of Jesus Christ reminds me of Your love and sacrifice; You died so I can be set free from a guilty conscience (Heb 9:14; 10:22; Rom 3:24; 1John 3:20). The empty tomb reminds me of the victory over sin and death, allowing me access to the Father through Your blood (Heb 4:16; 10:22; John 6:44). Draw me closer to You, Lord; let us run together into the place You have reserved for us (James 4:8; Song 1:4). Cause me to drink from the fountain of life by the stream of everlasting peace where I find rest for my soul (Rev 21:6; 22:1; John 4:14; Ps 36:8-9; Isa 12:3). Lord, forgive my foolishness and show me Your countenance that my soul will finally be satisfied in Your everlasting love (Song 2:14; Ps 4:6; Acts 2:28; Num 6:26).

Quiz 27
Walking in the Spirit

Section 9
