Quiz 16

The Father's Embrace

Oct 2 - 8, 22
5 15 16 17 18
Points 100
Due October 05, 2022


After reading chapters 4 and 5 in Experiencing the Father’s Embrace, take time to sit before the Lord in faith. Do two-way journaling about Eph. 3:17 with this question, “What do you want to say to me about being rooted and grounded in love?” Share what you hear as the Lord’s response without filtering it.

That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, May be able to comprehend with all saints what [is] the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God. (Eph 3:17-19)

I know your heart, and I know your thoughts; I know even the things that are not spoken (Eze 11:5). I understand even those things that you cannot formulate with words (Ps 139:4). Sometimes, you hide in a distant place, and other times dash to my altar (Ps 139:7; 43:4). Your thoughts are confusing even to you, but I understand them; I know your heart (Job 10:1; Phil 4:7). Remain in my love; it is a place, not a thing that you can perceive or even possess (John 15:9-10). Take no thoughts of what form you must take to approach me (Mat 11:28; 19:14; Isa 55:3); know that as you come in humility and faith, the blood of my Son will usher you into My presence — do you believe this (Jas 4:7,10; 2Cor 7:14)? Come boldly to Me because my love for you is rooted in my Son and what He has done on your behalf (Heb 4:16; 10:19). I take delight in having you come and sit with Me. Don’t be concerned with your decorum, nor should you be afraid of not maintaining the correct posture (Eph 3:12). My love for you goes beyond your understanding, and you can never respond adequately (Eph 3:19). Let my love saturate the core of your being and immerse yourself in the ocean of my mercy to receive the everlasting peace I have prepared for you in My presence (Mic 7:19; Is 26:3). Come, my son, stay by My side (Ps 27:4; 23:6; 84:4).

Quiz 16
The Father's Embrace