Quiz 2

Jesus Transforming Power

Sep 4 - 10, 22
1 1 2 3 4
Points 100
Due September 06, 2022


What is one way that Jesus brought transformation to his disciples? How have you experienced this in your life? (Wednesday)


When Jesus came to Nazareth and preached in the synagogue, the people were incredulous at Jesus’ authority and said, “Is not this Joseph’s son” (Luke 4:22)? He responded to their unbelief with two brief historical accounts of God’s passing over Israel in favor of the Gentile nations. The angry mob wanted to throw Jesus off the cliff, but He walked away, “passing through their midst” to Capernaum, and continued to teach with authority and power.

The disciples no doubt witnessed these events with amazement and trepidation. Even though the gospels did not recount much about the disciples’ transformation process, the seed was planted. The disciples witnessed that not only did the Lord demonstrate His authority and power in His preaching, but He lived it out amidst adversity. Finally, at Pentecost, the Holy Spirit expressed the transformation in the disciples for all to see.

Luke shared a glimpse of the astonishing metamorphosis at the arrest and questioning of the disciples; Peter preached that Jesus was the resurrected Lord before the elders and rulers, and they were astonished when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, knowing that these were uneducated and ordinary men (Acts 4:13).

The longer I spend studying in the presence of the Lord, the less I’m cognizant of my fears and desires. The Lord’s word not only shape my mind but sanctifies my soul with His truth (John 17:17). The transformation process is slow and excruciating, but God's Spirit is shaping this lump of clay, and I believe, in His time, the boldness of the Lord will be manifested through my witness.

Quiz 2
Jesus Transforming Power